How to Tell if a Horse is Happy

Horses are amazing creatures. They need very little in the way of vocalization to make themselves understood. Almost anyone with a willingness to study the animals can learn how to read their body language.


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      Look at her ears. A happy horse has ears that prick forward and show her intense interest in what is going on around her. The ears are the first thing to look at when seeing how a horse feels

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      Look at her eyes. They should be round and wide, yet with no indication of sclera (the outer coat of the eyeball) around them. If you see the white sclera, it often means the horse is afraid. Happy eyes are intense, vivid, and interested. They can also be soft. There is a distinct difference in their eyes when different emotions are being felt.

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      Watch the horse in motion. Happy horses want to frolic. When horses feel good, they look for an excuse to run and buck. Like the gazelles that leap and bound for sheer joy of life, horses will run, buck, kick and play when they are feeling good.

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      Observe the tail. A happy horse carries his tail away from his body and slightly raised. In some breeds, such as the Arabian, a happy horse will carry his tail proudly flagged or even curled up and over his back.

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      Watch the horse as it rests. A happy horse will contentedly stand with one hind foot cocked and a sleepy expression on his face. He will relax his lips and close his eyes to show his happiness. Horse will sigh and neigh to express their satisfaction and contentment.