How to Open a Horse's Mouth

Caring for horses can be a challenge. One of the most common things you will need to do when you own or ride a horse is open his mouth, whether it is for a bit or to administer a de-worming paste. This article will give you some tips on how to do it.

Things You'll Need

  • Previous experience with horses
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      Begin by rubbing the horse's forehead and calming her. Run your hand down the sides of her face and rub on her mouth. If she lifts her head, trying to be rid of you, persist until she allows you to rub her mouth without resistance.

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      Once you are rubbing his lips and nose, slide your thumb into the corner of his mouth, right where the lips and the jaw meet. This is the exact space that the bit rests and it has no teeth--the horse has teeth in the front of his mouth, then there is a space and then there are the grinding molars.

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      Press your thumb into her mouth and gently press down. The horse will open her mouth and more than likely will try to spit out your intruding finger.

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      Be prepared to do what you need to do when the horse opens his mouth at your signal. Slide in the bit, or squirt in the de-wormer while you keep your thumb in the blank spot between front and back teeth.

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      Once finished, remove your thumb and praise the horse. It is best to repeat the opening of your horse's mouth without sticking anything in it just to show her that you will not always be stuffing something unpleasant in her mouth when she opens it.