How to Treat a Fetlock Wound on a Horse

Horses are lots of work. They provide great joy and happiness, but they require dedication and care. When your horse gets wounded, which is bound to happen at some point, you will need to treat it. This article gives you some tips on how to treat a fetlock wound on a horse.

Things You'll Need

  • Hose
  • Antiseptic
  • Flex wrap
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      First, you need to clean the wound thoroughly. Because of the fetlock's location, it is prone to pick up all kinds of nasty germs and bacteria. Hose the fetlock for at least 10 minutes, and longer if necessary. All dirt and lymph must be removed or softened.

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      Once the wound is clearly visible, assess how bad it is. If you can see tendons or bone, the wound is a life-threatening injury and the horse will need immediate veterinary attention. Generally, if the wound is no more than a few centimeters deep, you can treat it yourself.

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      If the cut is deep, it will be necessary to wrap it. Allow the wound to dry. If it is bleeding heavily, apply some Wound Powder, or another product to help coagulate the blood and slow bleeding. Once the bleeding has stopped, apply an antiseptic ointment, then a gauze bandage, then a roll of flex wrap.

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      If the cut is not too deep, it can be treated without wrapping. An antiseptic spray can be applied daily, and with a combination of this and hydrotherapy, the wound should heal rapidly and well.

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      Remember that is necessary to give your horse a tetanus antitoxin injection whenever it gets a cut, puncture or other injury of this nature.