How to Tell if Your Horses legs are hurt

Soundness in horses' legs is paramount to their overall health. To check their legs for injury is an easy task that should be done daily. Follow these steps to keep track of the health of your horses' legs.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Lead rope
  • Hoof pick
  • Curry comb
  • Stiff bristled brush
  • Soft body brush
  • Longe line
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      Get your horse in a halter and in a safe environment, conducive to grooming.

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      Remove all excess dirt and mud from his legs and body using a curry comb a stiff-bristled brush.

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      After removing excess mud (if necessary), run the smooth-bristled body brush over her leg to get her used to your handling her legs. Run your hands over every inch of her legs, from the shoulder on down to the hoof on the front legs and from the gaskin down to his hoof on his hind legs. Bumps and swellings should easily be felt at this point. Also, if an unusual pocket of heat is felt, that can indicate swelling and inflammation.

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      If you suspect an injury but cannot feel one with your hands, longe your horse at the trot and a limp will become obvious. This is a tell-tale way to find out that your horse is "off", meaning he's favoring one limb. A horse that is limping or favoring one limb will drop his head as the affected limb hits the ground. Instead of holding his head steady at the trot, he will seem to "bob" his head up and down.

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      Call your veterinarian if you suspect lameness. He can properly diagnose and recommend treatment.