- After the female toucan lays her eggs in the nest, both parents take turns incubating them for yaklaşık 26 days, with the male taking longer shifts during the night and the female incubating during the day.
- Once the eggs hatch and the chicks are born, the parents work together to feed them in a unique way called "mutual feeding".
- The male leaves the nest to forage for food, such as fruits and insects.
- When he returns, he regurgitates the food, and the female uses her long bill to transfer the regurgitated food to the chicks' bills.
Nest Sanitation:
- Toucan parents maintain good hygiene in the nest to keep it clean and prevent disease.
- They frequently remove eggshells, fecal sacs, and other waste from the nest to keep it sanitary for their young.
- They also prune (cut down) the nest and remove unnecessary materials to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for their chicks.
Protecting the Nest:
- Toucans are territorial and fiercely protect their nests from predators.
- Both parents work together to guard their young.
- If a predator approaches, they will make loud calls to warn each other and perform aerial displays or aggressive behaviors to deter or chase away the intruder.
- As the chicks grow, the parents begin to train them. They teach their offspring about food preferences, foraging techniques, and how to navigate their surroundings.
- They also encourage the chicks to flap their wings and exercise to develop the strength needed for eventual independent flight.
Leaving the Nest:
- When the young toucans are about 6-8 weeks old and have matured sufficiently, they are ready to leave the nest.
- The parents guide and follow them as they embark on their first flights and begin exploring the world outside the nest.
- The chicks continue to rely on their parents for guidance and food for a few more months before becoming fully independent.