How do you take care of Tennessee walking horses?

General Care

* Provide a well-balanced diet that meets the horse's individual needs.

* Make sure the horse has access to fresh water at all times.

* Provide regular exercise, including both turnout time and ridden work.

* Groom the horse regularly to remove dirt and sweat, and to check for any signs of injury or illness.

* Trim the hooves regularly to prevent problems such as laminitis.

* Provide regular dental care, including floating the teeth as needed.

* Vaccinate the horse according to the recommended schedule.

* Deworm the horse regularly.

* Provide a clean, dry, and draft-free shelter.

Specific Care for Tennessee Walking Horses

* Be sure to provide the horse with plenty of opportunity to walk. This is the gait for which the breed is known, and it is important for the horse's overall health and well-being.

* When riding the horse, use a smooth seat and avoid bouncing in the saddle. This can put unnecessary strain on the horse's back.

* Be careful not to overwork the horse. Tennessee Walking Horses are generally very willing to please, but they can also be pushed too hard.

* If you have any concerns about your horse's health or well-being, be sure to consult with a veterinarian.

Additional Tips

* Tennessee Walking Horses are social animals and do best when they have other horses to interact with.

* The breed is also known for being very intelligent, so it is important to provide them with mental stimulation. This can be done through training, games, or simply by spending time with them and talking to them.

* Tennessee Walking Horses are beautiful and versatile animals that can make wonderful companions. With proper care, they can live long, healthy, and happy lives.