Should you put your horse in the barn when it rains?

Horses are well-adapted to living outdoors, and in most cases do not need to be brought into a barn when it rains. However, there are some instances where it may be beneficial to bring your horse into the barn during heavy rain.

- If the rain is accompanied by strong winds.

Horses can be spooked by loud noises, and heavy rain combined with strong winds can make them anxious. If your horse is particularly anxious, it may be best to bring them into the barn to avoid any potential accidents.

- If your pasture or barn has poor drainage.

If the ground is flooded, it can be dangerous for horses to walk or stand in. This is because water pooling on the ground can cause the ground to become slippery, which can lead to falls. Deep pools of water may prevent your horse from grazing, eating or drinking. If your pasture or barn has poor drainage, it may be best to bring your horse into the barn to keep them safe and comfortable.

- If your horse has a medical condition that makes them more susceptible to the cold or wet.

Some horses, such as those with respiratory problems or joint pain, may be more susceptible to the cold and wet. If your horse has a medical condition that makes them more vulnerable to these conditions, it may be best to bring them into the barn when the weather is particularly bad.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to bring your horse into the barn during rain should be made on a case-by-case basis. By considering your horse's individual needs and the weather conditions, you can help ensure that your horse stays comfortable and safe during rainy weather.