There are no specific rules on tail docking at Crufts, but the Kennel Club (KC) does have a general policy on the matter. The KC states that "any form of mutilation, including tail docking, is unacceptable and will result in disqualification from the show ring".
However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, tail docking is allowed for working dogs, such as hunting dogs and police dogs, where it is considered to be necessary for the dog's safety or health.
The KC also states that "no dog shall be exhibited with its tail docked unless it has been docked to the standards required by the relevant breed club". This means that if you are planning to exhibit your dog at Crufts, you will need to make sure that it has been docked to the correct length for its breed.
If you are considering tail docking your dog, you should weigh up the pros and cons of the procedure before making a decision. Tail docking is a permanent alteration to your dog's body and it can have a number of negative consequences, including:
* Pain and discomfort
* Bleeding
* Infection
* Difficulty defecating
* Incontinence
* Behavioural problems
If you are concerned about the welfare of your dog, you should always talk to your veterinarian before making a decision about tail docking.