* Horse speed: Horses travel at different speeds depending on their breed, training, and the terrain. A racehorse might gallop a mile in a few minutes, while a working horse pulling a carriage might take much longer.
* Carriage weight: A heavier carriage will slow the horse down.
* Terrain: A smooth, flat road is much faster than a hilly or uneven path.
* Traffic: If there are other vehicles or obstacles, the journey will take longer.
To get a better idea, consider these factors:
* Average walking speed: A horse walking at a moderate pace might cover a mile in about 15-20 minutes.
* Trot: A trotting horse can cover a mile in about 5-10 minutes.
* Gallop: A galloping horse can cover a mile in a few minutes, depending on its speed.
So, depending on the factors above, a horse carriage could take anywhere from a few minutes to over 20 minutes to cover a mile.