How much can two Clydesdale pull?

It's difficult to give a specific number for how much two Clydesdales can pull. Here's why:

* Individual Strength: Clydesdales are strong, but their pulling power varies based on individual factors like age, training, health, and even temperament.

* Harness and Equipment: The type of harness and the way the load is attached significantly impacts how much weight a horse can pull.

* Terrain and Conditions: Pulling on flat, firm ground is much easier than pulling uphill or on soft, muddy ground.

* Legal Limits: Some countries and regions have legal limits on how much weight a horse can be asked to pull, to protect the animal's welfare.

However, here are some general insights:

* Clydesdale Strength: Clydesdales are known for their immense strength and are bred for pulling heavy loads. They are used for tasks like farming, logging, and even parades.

* Historical Examples: Historically, teams of Clydesdales were used to pull wagons carrying tons of cargo.

* Modern Usage: While not as common as in the past, Clydesdales are still used for pulling loads, though often with a maximum weight limit imposed for animal welfare.

It's important to remember that even with their strength, it's crucial to treat horses with respect and ensure their safety by not overloading them.