Why is there a gym equipment called horse?

You're likely thinking of the "Roman Chair", sometimes referred to as a "Roman Horse" or "Hyperextension Bench." This piece of gym equipment is named after the Roman "horse" used in ancient Roman chariot races.

Here's why the connection:

* Shape and Structure: The Roman Chair's design resembles the shape of the ancient Roman horse. It has a curved, saddle-like surface with a raised back support that resembles the horse's back.

* Exercise Focus: The Roman Chair is primarily used for hyperextension exercises, which target the lower back muscles. In ancient Roman chariot races, the charioteers needed strong lower back muscles to withstand the constant jolting and twisting motions of driving the chariot.

Therefore, the name "Roman Chair" is a nod to the ancient Roman horse and its association with the exercises that target the same muscle groups.