How to Hang a Bridle

Bridles consist of many different pieces of leather in addition to the bit. When put away properly, a bridle doesn't become tangled and the various parts are less likely to shift, making bridling the horse much quicker and easier the next time around. Hanging the bridle properly will also help keep the tack room neat and organized and keep reins from dangling on the floor where they can get dirty.

Things You'll Need

  • Bridle
  • Bridle bracket
  • Screw driver
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    • 1

      Install a bridle bracket in the spot where you plan to hang your bridle. Use a bridle bracket rather than a hook because the wider, rounded top of the bracket will keep the leather's shape consistent with how it sits on the horse's head. A narrow hook can cause the leather to fold and crack. Screw the bridle bracket to the wall a minimum of 4 feet above the ground so that the reins won't touch the floor.

    • 2

      Place the bridle onto the bridle bracket by laying the headpiece across the top, rounded portion of the bracket. Grasp the bit and tug lightly in one direction to center the bridle on the bracket.

    • 3

      Hold the reins at the center buckle and run the long end of the throat latch through the reins. Do up the throat latch.

    • 4

      Hold the two ends of the noseband in opposite hands and cross them behind the bridle, including the reins. Bring each piece around the front of the bridle and buckle them together to tie the entire bridle into a neat bundle.