How to Build Crossties for a Horse

If your horse keeps breaking away from the hitching post, creating a set of crossties and positioning them correctly can ease the worry. Crossties provide a secure location for you to tie your horse with a slip-knot. Crossties attach on both sides of the horse's head and each permanently affix to a wall or post on opposite sides of the horse. Crossties require two walls or posts and a level space, such as an isle or grooming stall.

Things You'll Need

  • Two ropes
  • Two bolt snaps
  • Two eye-screw hooks
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    • 1

      Insert an eye-screw hook 66 to 72 inches high on the right side of the intended crosstie area. Repeat on the left side at the same height as the right.

    • 2

      Measure the distance between the two posts or walls. Subtract 18 inches for the average-sized horse. Divide the number in half. This is the length of each crosstie as well as the length of each rope you need to purchase.

    • 3

      Pull one end of the rope through the end of one of the bolt snaps. Repeat on the second length of rope.

    • 4

      Slip the end without the snap through the eye-screw hook. Tie a knot. Attach the second crosstie to the other eye-screw.