How to Convert Western Saddle Sizes to Australian Saddle

Australian saddles are sized slightly differently than either English or western saddles. Though all saddles are measured, in inches, by their seat size, the general construction effects the measurement and sizing. As a rule of thumb, you can determine the proper size of the Australian saddle you need by adding two inches to the size of western saddle you ride in. To make sure saddles are exactly the same size, however, you should measure them yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Saddle stand
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    • 1

      Place your western saddle on the saddle stand. Put one end of the measuring tape on the pommel directly below the horn. Stretch the measuing tape back to the center of the cantle of the saddle where the seat stitching meets the back of the saddle. The measurement you get is the size of your western saddle.

    • 2

      Add two inches to the seat size of your western saddle. The design of the saddles are different enough that a 16-inch western saddle will not fit the rider the same way a 16-inch Aussie saddle does. A rider who uses a 16-inch western saddle will need an 18-inch Aussie saddle.

    • 3

      Place your Aussie saddle on the saddle stand. Place the measuring tape on the front of the pommel and measure straight back to the inside edge of the cantle. If your Aussie saddle is the correct corresponding size, it should measure two inches larger than your western saddle does.