Hoof Alive Directions

Hoof Alive is a hoof dressing based on the view that a horse's hoof is a living part of the horse's body and therefore requires constant maintenance and care. Hoof Alive is a cream that is applied to the outer hoof to prevent the hoof from cracking or deteriorating as a result of rain, snow and other conditions. Hoof Alive penetrates through the hoof wall, protecting the hoof for up to one week after each application.


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      Apply Hoof Alive every other day the first week. Rub a generous quantity of the cream onto the horse's entire outer hoof as well as on the bottom of the hoof. The cream should penetrate into the horse's hoof after 48 hours -- if the cream doesn't disappear, you are using too much.

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      Pack the cream into any cracks onto the horse's hooves during the regular application. This will help seal any cracks by swelling the cracks shut. Apply the cream twice a week until the cracks disappear.

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      Reduce the amount of applications after the cracks have healed and the hoof appears in good condition. Generally, after the first week you will only need to apply the cream once a week.

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      Store Hoof Alive in a cool place. This product will liquefy if it reaches temperatures over 95 degrees Fahrenheit.