How to Break in Your Leather English Reins

Brand new English riding reins come out of the package fairly stiff and coated in a white, waxy coating. Most riders prefer to break in new English reins before ever attaching them to the bridle in order to limit or prevent the blisters they can get from using stiff reins. The more time a rider spends breaking in their new reins, the more supple the reins will be. Better quality leather will break in more easily than cheap leather.

Things You'll Need

  • Leather soap
  • Leather conditioner
  • Rag or sponge
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    • 1

      Apply leather soap to the reins and rub them down with your rag or sponge. Make sure to remove all of the waxy coating from the leather and get into all the creases where the leather is braided or laced. Wipe excess soap away once reins have been completely cleaned.

    • 2

      Apply leather conditioner to the reins. Massage conditioner into the reins and allow it to soak into the leather thoroughly.

    • 3

      Loop the reins around a smooth metal pole or bar. Pull reins back and forth against pole, making them bend to fit the pole as pressure is applied.

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      Remove reins from pole and begin bending and flexing them as much as possible. The movement and bending of the leather is what breaks it in. Bend reins in both directions. Coil reins in your hands and twist them back and forth. Continue bending and kneading reins until you are satisfied with their suppleness.