How to Change a Gullet Wintec

Some Wintec brand saddles feature the EASY-CHANGE™ Gullet System, an innovation that allows you to change the size of the saddle's gullet so it will fit multiple horses. The gullet is the channel that goes through the middle of the underside of the saddle above the horse's spine. It keeps the saddle from putting pressure directly on the spine. A variety of different size gullets are available. Changing out the gullets in these saddles involves performing a fairly simple process.


    • 1

      Flip the saddle onto its back and set it on a firm, level surface. Locate the screws that are under the skirts near the front of the saddle. Some models may feature a D-ring attached to the screw for easier removal. Remove the screws from the saddle.

    • 2

      Unfasten the Velcro closure that is at the front of the saddle. Pull the panel down and away from the point pockets, separating the front half of the panel from the rest of it.

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      Locate the screw at the end of each gullet plate. Remove the screws and replace the current gullet with the new gullet. Make sure the gullet is lined up properly and fits the saddle smoothly before you tighten down the screws. You will need to use new locking screws for your new gullet; EASY-CHANGE recommends using Loctite 243 to make sure the screws stay in the saddle and don't break loose.

    • 4

      Slide the panel back into the point pockets and fasten the Velcro closures. Replace the screws at the front of the saddle and reattach the panel to the front of the saddle.