How to Choose the Seat Size for a Western Saddle

Western saddles are an expensive investment that you should be able to get years of use out of, but if you do not buy a saddle with the right size seat, riding in the saddle will be uncomfortable. Riding in the wrong size western saddle can negatively affect your ability to maintain your comfort and balance, as well as stay secure while on the horse's back. It is important to take your time trying out various size saddles before you purchase one.


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      Go to a tack store or a horse barn with a variety of different sizes and brands of western saddles available. In general, a 14-inch western saddle is for youth and small adults. A 15-inch saddle will fit an average size woman or a small man. A 16-inch saddle will fit an average size man or a large woman. Larger riders may need a 17- or 18-inch saddle seat. Your height will also affect the size seat saddle you need, with taller riders needing a larger seat size. Sizes and fit will vary greatly by the saddle's age, manufacturer and cut.

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      Place various saddles on a sturdy wooden saddle rack one at a time and sit in them. In a correctly fitting western saddle, the rider should have at least an inch between their thighs and the pommel, and several finger widths between their body and the pommel or the cantle. If there is more room than this, the saddle seat is probably too large. If you are crunched between the pommel and the cantle, the saddle is too small.

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      Make note of which saddles feel the most comfortable, then compare the sizes of the seat and cantle. The physical size of seats will vary between different makers, different styles of saddle and the material the seat is made of. By trying a variety of different saddles, you will be able to figure out which saddles feel best and fit your body the most securely.