How to Put on Polos for Horses

No matter the discipline, appropriate leg gear is essential safety equipment for a horse. Polo wraps are used in many disciplines from the trail rider to professional rodeo contestant. Polos are soft, stretchy wraps generally made of fleece or a polyester blend which are about five inches wide and nine feet long. According to Dr. Gary Kaufman, when properly applied, polo wraps provide better support for the tendons and ligaments of the lower leg than wrap-around style boots, allowing less dirt and debris to fill in around the leg while providing the needed protection against nicks and hits from the other legs.


    • 1

      Prepare the polo wraps to apply to the horse's legs. The wraps must be rolled so that the Velcro closures are inside the roll. Lay the strap against the Velcro and roll to the inside of the wrap.

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      Hold the wrap on the inside of the horse's leg, approximately 2/3 down the tendon on the lower leg. Begin to unroll the wrap around the leg, pulling between the legs toward the front of the horse so that the tendon is being pulled to the inside of the horse. Only pull on the wrap as you pull to the back of the horse so that you apply pressure only on the splint bone and not the tendon. Be sure to pull snug, but do not wrap so tight that blood circulation through the leg could be affected.

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      Roll down toward the ankle, crossing each wrap about 1/3 to 1/2 over the previous wrap. When you reach the ankle, sling the wrap under the fetlock and bring back around and up.

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      Continue to roll the wrap back up the tendon, ending just beneath the knee in the front and the hock in the back. If you have extra wrap left, wrap back down using the same guidelines of 1/3 to 1/2 overlap.

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      Secure the wrap using the Velcro closure. If needed, electrical tape or duct tape can be used to further secure the Velcro, but this should not be necessary if the Velcro is in good shape. If tape is used, take care not to wrap too tight.