How Do I Choose a Winter Horse Blanket?

When winter sets in horses start to feel the cold, particularly finer breeds. Most horses will require a variety of different blankets to suit varying conditions and management systems.
  1. Type

    • If living in, the horse will need a stable blanket at night. These often are made from cotton or nylon with a down filling for warmth. During the day a thinner type can be worn or a waterproof turnout blanket used if the horse goes out in a field.


    • The horse is measured from the front of his chest to his point of buttock to determine which length to buy. Thickness will depend on weather conditions. It is possible to buy blankets with detachable insets that can be added as the weather becomes colder.


    • The amount of money available will determine the exact blanket purchased. More expensive blankets tend to be better quality and last longer, but if the horse is prone to ripping them invest in cheaper options.


    • The stable management system will determine which blankets are chosen. Blankets are available that can be worn in the field and stable. These are a viable option if you are on a budget or short of time. If he lives out all the time, the blanket will need to be thick, warm and waterproof, preferably with a hood.