Things You'll Need
- 6-point harness
- Measuring tape
- Electric driller
- Grade-eight mounting hardware
- Eye bolts
- Backing plate
Mount the racing harness so that it is 2 ½ inches from the bottom of your seat to the intersection point. Use your measuring tape to get the right distance.
Drill a hole with approximately ¼-inch depth in the rear cargo area to fasten the belts to the car. Use your electric driller to do this. Remove the bolts that are holding the lap belts in place.
Use your grade-eight hardware to anchor the harnesses to the seat and to secure them at your chosen mounting points. Insert the eye-bolt through the hole and clip your harnesses onto the eye-bolt.
Mount your shoulder harness. This should be placed behind the driver and about 1 to 4 inches right below the driver's shoulder height. Use your grade-eight hardware to mount the shoulder harnesses in your desired position.
Determine the mounting point for the submarine belt with your 6-point harness. This should be placed under the seat of the driver in order to make sure that the lap belts stay in proper position right over the driver's pelvis.
Drill two holes right in between the mounting bolts of the car seat rail using your electric driller. These will be used to install the submarine belt. Slip the eye-bolts into the holes.
Mount the submarine belt to the floor of the vehicle with your grade-eight hardware and your backing plate, and clip the belt to the eye-bolts.