The Australian saddle typically helps riders maintain a more natural, upright and balanced position once seated. Built to facilitate both pleasure riding and galloping, Australian saddles allow riders to sit firmly on the mount with legs stretched forward and heels toward the ground, yielding a strong sense of balance and security. This sense of safety makes the Australian saddle an excellent choice for beginning riders, who may feel insecure when trying to get used to an English saddle (which offers maneuverability, but may leave a new rider feeling vulnerable) or a Western saddle (which can give an increased sense of security, but at the expense of some rider control).
Special Features
The notably lightweight Australian saddle offers some exclusive features for safety and comfort. First and foremost are kneepads (also known as "poleys") that lie parallel to a rider's thigh. Kneepads can be especially handy when traversing hills; they help keep riders firmly seated when riding over difficult terrain.
Australian saddles are held to a horse's body using a specialty "double" girthing system that provides more leverage than Western or English saddles by employing both an overgirth and billet straps. This gives riders extra assurance against saddle slippage and provides additional safeguards--should the billets break, the saddle is still attached via the overgirth. The saddles also employ safety stirrups, with leathers that will pull away from the saddle in the event the rider falls and finds herself being dragged.
Variety of Styles
Australian saddles may be designed with a strong resemblance to Western saddles, complete with horns. Others may give a more pronounced nod to English saddles. The wide variety of styles available can be an advantage to more experienced riders, who enjoy the versatility of an Australian mount but have developed preferences between English and Western saddles during their riding career. Australian saddle varieties offer alternatives for those who prefer English, Western or something firmly in between.
Australian Saddle Advantages
The Australian saddle is more or less a hybrid between the two major subtypes of horseback riding saddles: Western and English. Though the Australian saddle is considered a specialty saddle in the United States, it enjoys a steadily growing popularity among horseback-riding enthusiasts because of its versatility, comfort, added safety features and wide variety of available styles.