How much horse power is added to by using a flowmaster muffler?

Flowmaster mufflers are designed to improve the sound of an engine's exhaust, not to increase horsepower.

While some people may claim to experience a slight increase in horsepower after installing a Flowmaster muffler, this is usually negligible and often anecdotal.

Here's why:

* Flowmaster mufflers primarily change the tone and volume of the exhaust. They are designed for better sound, not necessarily for increased airflow or performance.

* Horsepower gains are typically marginal. Any slight increase in horsepower may be due to a very small reduction in backpressure, but this is often offset by other factors like the added weight of the muffler.

* Other factors play a bigger role in horsepower. Engine modifications, such as tuning, intake upgrades, and exhaust headers, have a much greater impact on horsepower gains than just changing the muffler.

Instead of focusing on horsepower gains, consider the benefits of a Flowmaster muffler, which include:

* Improved exhaust sound: They offer a deeper, more aggressive tone that many drivers enjoy.

* Reduced backpressure: While not significant enough for a major horsepower boost, some reduction in backpressure can improve engine efficiency.

* Durability: Flowmaster mufflers are known for their high-quality construction and longevity.

If you're looking for significant horsepower gains, focus on engine upgrades rather than just changing the muffler. However, if you want a better-sounding exhaust, a Flowmaster muffler is a popular choice.