Direct Products:
* Meat (Horsemeat): While not common in many parts of the world, horsemeat is a source of protein in some cultures.
* Milk: Mare's milk is consumed in some cultures and is also used in some products like cheese.
* Hide: Horsehide is used for leather goods, such as saddles, belts, and shoes.
* Hair: Horsehair is used in upholstery, brushes, and even some musical instruments (e.g., bows for violins).
* Manure: Horse manure is a valuable fertilizer and can be used for composting.
Indirect Benefits:
* Transportation: Historically, horses were the primary mode of transportation for people and goods.
* Work: Horses are used for work on farms and ranches, particularly for pulling plows, wagons, and carriages.
* Recreation: Horses are popular for recreational activities like riding, racing, and showing.
* Therapy: Equine therapy has proven beneficial for people with physical, emotional, and cognitive disabilities.
* Companionship: Many people find horses to be loyal companions and enjoy their presence.
Other Uses:
* Sport: Horse racing and polo are popular spectator sports.
* Research: Horses are used in medical research, particularly in the areas of immunology and infectious diseases.
* Tourism: Horseback riding and carriage tours are popular tourist activities.
It's important to note that the use of horses varies widely across the world and cultures. Some people use horses for all the above purposes, while others only use them for recreation or companionship.