How much did a purebred quarter horse cost in 1966?

Unfortunately, there's no single, definitive answer to how much a purebred Quarter Horse cost in 1966. Here's why:

* Horse prices vary widely: Factors like lineage, breeding, training, age, and overall quality heavily influence a horse's price. A top-quality show horse would have cost significantly more than a basic ranch horse.

* No centralized price database: Unlike cars or other goods, there wasn't a standardized price list for horses in 1966.

* Inflation: Even if we had a price from 1966, we'd need to adjust it for inflation to get a sense of its value today.

To find a better estimate, you might consider:

* Checking historical auction records: If you're interested in specific types of Quarter Horses, search for records from horse auctions held in 1966.

* Contacting horse breed associations: The American Quarter Horse Association might have some historical data or insights on average prices from that era.

* Speaking to experienced horse breeders or owners: They may have firsthand knowledge of prices from that time.

Keep in mind that your research will likely provide a range of prices rather than a fixed amount.