How many horses pulled carraige?

The number of horses pulling a carriage varied greatly depending on:

* The size and weight of the carriage: Larger, heavier carriages required more horses for power.

* The terrain: Hilly or rough terrain required more horses than flat, smooth roads.

* The purpose of the carriage: Carriages used for transportation, racing, or ceremonial purposes had different horse requirements.

Here are some general examples:

* Light carriages: One or two horses were common.

* Heavy carriages or wagons: Two to four horses were typical.

* Coaches: Four to six horses were often used, with eight horses sometimes seen for grand occasions.

* Stagecoaches: Typically pulled by four horses.

* Omnibuses: Often pulled by two to four horses.

In summary, there's no single answer to how many horses pulled a carriage. The number depended on various factors.