What do shire horse breeders use wood flour for?

Shire horse breeders typically don't use wood flour. While wood flour is used in some animal bedding, it is not commonly used for horses.

Here's why:

* Dust: Wood flour is very dusty, which can irritate a horse's respiratory system and cause health problems, especially in sensitive horses.

* Mold: Wood flour can be susceptible to mold growth, which can be harmful to horses if ingested.

* Lack of absorbency: Wood flour is not as absorbent as other bedding materials like shavings or straw, meaning it won't soak up urine and manure as effectively, leading to a messier stall and potential for ammonia build-up.

Instead of wood flour, Shire horse breeders usually use:

* Shavings: Wood shavings are a popular and readily available bedding choice for horses due to their absorbency, affordability, and dust-free nature.

* Straw: Straw is another common bedding material, particularly for outdoor stalls or paddocks. It is less absorbent than shavings but provides good insulation.

Therefore, using wood flour as bedding for Shire horses is not recommended due to its potential health risks and lack of practicality compared to other options.