How to Apply an Australian Saddle

There are many types of saddles, but the Australian saddle remains a popular choice among horseback riders. From competitive trail riding to arena work, these saddles are comfortable, lightweight and secure. Designed for use in the rugged Australian Outback, these saddles also are made with the comfort of both horse and rider in mind. But to make sure every ride is a comfortable one, riders must fit their saddles properly.

Things You'll Need

  • Saddle
  • Saddle pad
  • Horse
  • Cinch
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    • 1

      Guide your horse to level ground, with his head roughly at the level it will be when you are mounted. Place the saddle pad squarely on the horse's back, making sure there are no lumps on the saddle pad. The saddle pad must fit securely on your horse's back.

    • 2

      Place the saddle on your horse, with the front of the saddle just behind the withers. Australian saddles are designed not to interfere with the movement of the animal's shoulder, so be sure your horse's shoulders are not constricted by the position of the saddle. You may need to move the saddle around a bit to get it in just the right position.

    • 3

      Step away from your horse and look at the saddle. It should not appear to be leaning either to the left or right. Once the saddle is in place, carefully reach underneath your horse's belly and grab the cinch. Pull the cinch toward you and pull the end of the cinch up to the saddle rigging. Place the end of the rigging through the holes on the cinch and pull it tight. The cinch should fit snugly but not feel too tight. If you can place your hand between your horse's side and the cinch without it feeling pinched the cinch is adjusted properly.

    • 4

      Mount your horse and ask him to move lightly for a few minutes. Then stop and dismount, check the girth and tighten it if necessary. It is normal for the girth to loosen up a bit after the first few minutes of riding, so always stop to check the tightness of your girth at the beginning of your ride. After the girth has been adjusted, mount up again and continue your ride.