How to Hang Toys for Horses

Your horse is on extended stall rest because of an illness or injury, or your horse gets bored easily. Or maybe you want to keep him entertained when in a stall for overnight trail rides or shows. Stall toys, especially hanging toys, can be a way for you to keep your horse active, but these toys have to be placed in the stall correctly to be the most functional.

Things You'll Need

  • Rope
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    • 1

      Show your horse the toy. If it is a treat toy, such as a Likit, let your horse lick the toy so he knows that's what he is supposed to do with it.

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      Find a strong beam in approximately the middle of your horse's stall, or at least far enough away that your horse can't pin the toy against the wall. If you don't have a beam, tie up rope from one corner of the stall to the diagonal corner to hang the toy from.

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      Suspend the toy from the beam or rope so that the toy hangs at the same height as your horse's withers. (The withers are the bump between your horse's back and neck.)

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      Hold the toy in place so your horse can lick it again. Leave toys other than treat toys swinging so that your horse realizes he can push the toy around his stall.