Horse Ointments for Swollen Joints & Pain

Your horse has to support hundreds of pounds of body mass on its legs, and as it ages, those joints may start to suffer. Whether your horse is feeling the pains of a hard-working life, has a medical condition or is just starting to feel its age, there are many options for addressing your horse's joint aches and pains.
  1. Types

    • There are several options to choose from when deciding on a topical medication for your horse's joint health, including SURPASS, an FDA-approved drug to relieve joint pain; DMSO, a topical not appointed by the FDA that has been a popular choice since the 60s; and natural herbal treatments.


    • Topical ointments provide almost instant pain relief, as opposed to internal treatments, which may take hours or even days to take effect. Many people use a topical ointment for immediate relief of extreme conditions in conjunction with regular treatment.


    • According to, anti-inflammatory joint medications containing corticosteroids, or steroids, can cause laminitis, infections and further injury due to a lack of feeling in the area where the medication was applied. While medications containing steroids can have positive effects, they should be used under the close supervision of your veterinarian.


    • SURPASS is only available with a prescription from your vet, and DMSO and most other topical treatments are available at horse-supply stores, in catalogs or through the Internet.


    • Joint pain is generally caused by a swelling in the ligaments and muscles around the joint, so most topical joint treatments work to reduce the swelling in the joints. Counterirritant balms work by irritating the skin and areas around the joint so the body works to heal the irritated area instead of sending pain to the joint.