Horse Blanket Cleaning & Repair

While nature has provided horses with natural insulation in the form of a thick winter coat, sometimes our four-legged companions need the help of a good horse blanket to keep them warm. Horse blankets are particularly useful in colder climates, but they can be necessary in more temperature locales as well. Show horses in particular are often kept blanketed year-round to keep their coats smooth, soft and shiny. But no matter the reason for blanketing, it is important for horse owners to keep those blankets clean and in good repair.
  1. Cleaning horse blankets in your home washing machine

    • While many horse owners attempt to clean their heavy horse blankets in their home washing machines, this is generally not a good idea. Unless you have a commercial washing machine in your home, washing heavy horse blankets simply puts too much strain on home washing machines.

      That having been said, lighter blankets like turnout sheets and fly sheets can be washed in your home washing machine if you desire. When washing those items, use only cold water for best results. If you prefer, you may want to wash even your light horse blankets in a commercial washing machine at a laundromat---just make sure the laundromat rules do not prohibit washing those kinds of items.

    Washing heavy blankets

    • Horse owners can wash their heavy horse blankets at home---just not in the washing machine. Washing horse blankets by hand can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, but it can provide excellent results.

      Remove as much hair from the inside of the horse blanket as possible. Use a shedding blade or a wire curry comb to remove the hair---brushing the blanket against the grain will help to loosen stuck-on hair. After as much hair as possible has been removed, turn the blanket inside out, with the hairy side pointing out. Then spray the blanket thoroughly with a high-pressure hose. After the blanket is wet, you may be able to use the curry comb and the shedding blade to remove additional hair. After you have removed all the hair, mix mild detergent with cold water and start washing the blanket thoroughly inside and out. Rinse with cold water and then allow the blanket to dry thoroughly.

      It is essential for the blanket to be absolutely dry before being folded and stored away. Even a little bit of moisture could cause the material to rot. Sun drying is best, so if you have a clothesline available make the most of it. If not you can hang the blanket in a shed, in the barn or another dry spot, or just hang it over a fence and allow it to dry in the sun.

    Keep your blanket in good repair

    • A well-fitted blanket kept in good condition is safe for your horse, while an ill fitting or poor quality blanket can be dangerous. It is important to inspect your horse blankets for damage on a daily basis; if you notice any loose or frayed straps or damaged hardware, stop using the blanket until it can be repaired. If you are handy with a sewing machine you can make simple repairs yourself, but if serious repairs are needed it is a good idea to take the blanket to a harness shop, dry cleaner or other professional.