Paper bedding, made from recycled newsprint, is dust-free and composts quickly. It is a good alternative for a horse that is prone to eating its bedding. Some of the drawbacks, however, include a tendency to clump when wet and scatter easily. Paper shavings also typically cost more than wood shavings.
Pelleted Bedding
Pelleted bedding comes bagged, making it easy to store and use. It also is easy to clean, provides a low-dust environment, composts quickly and can prove economical over the long run. It is, however, still a wood product, so it may not be the best choice for horses with skin allergies known to be aggravated by wood shavings. If pine shavings are causing respiratory issues, however, the dust-free properties of pelleted bedding may alleviate the problem.
Rice Hulls
Rice hulls, while not available in all areas, are comfortable and absorbent. They are, however, very light and scatter easily. Some horses also may nibble on them.
Cedar Bedding
This bedding option has a nice odor, repels insects, is highly absorbent and lasts longer than pine shavings. It may be a good alternative for horses that cannot tolerate pine shavings, but one of the drawbacks is the initial cost of bedding a stall.
Stall Mats
While perhaps they don't completely eliminate the need for bedding, rubber stall mats can provide a cleaner and safer environment. Rubber mats can be expensive and difficult to handle because of their size and weight.
Alternative to Shavings for a Horse Stall
Wood shavings, while popular, might not be the best option for horses and owners known to suffer from allergies or other conditions aggravated by the bedding. There are, however, a number of bedding options available to provide a comfortable and clean environment. Bedding options vary by region, so be sure to check with local feed stores about what is available.