Things You'll Need
- 4 1-inch PVC pipes, 2-feet long
- 2 1-inch PVC pipes, 1-inch long
- 2 1-inch 45-degree angle 3-way connectors
- 6 1-inch corner connectors
- 2 1-inch PVC pipes, 1-3/4-feet-long
- 4 1-inch PVC pipes, 2 inches-long
- 2 1-inch 4-way corner connectors
- 4 1-inch PVC pipes, 1-foot long
- PVC cement
Place two 1-foot PVC pipes into the straight sides of one of the 4-way corner connectors. Repeat for the other 4-way connector.
Connect the two pieces from Step 1 with one of the 2-foot poles.
Slide two 2-foot poles into the open connectors.
Place corner connectors at the top of the two 2-foot poles, facing each other. Place the 1-inch pipes into the open connectors.
Slide the 45-degree connectors onto the 1-inch pipe. Connect these together with the 2-foot pipe.
Insert the 3-inch pipes into the open connectors and slide elbow joints onto each pipe. Connect two connectors together on one side with the 1-3/4-foot pipe. Insert the other pipe on the other side.
Cover the connections with PVC cement to make the saddle stand more sturdy.