* Gasoline-powered cars: The internal combustion engine, developed in the late 19th century, made automobiles a viable alternative to horse-drawn carriages. Cars were faster, more reliable, and could travel longer distances than horses.
* Electric cars: Early electric cars were also developed in the late 19th century, but they were not as practical as gasoline-powered cars due to their limited range and slow speed. However, electric cars have become increasingly popular in recent years as battery technology has improved.
* Safety bicycles: The safety bicycle, which was developed in the 1880s, made cycling safer and easier for people of all ages. This led to a boom in cycling popularity, which helped to further reduce the dependence on horses for transportation.
* Steam locomotives: Steam locomotives, which were developed in the early 19th century, made rail travel faster and more efficient than travel by horse-drawn carriages. This led to the construction of a vast network of railroads, which further reduced the need for horses for transportation.
* Airplanes: The development of airplanes in the early 20th century provided a much faster and more efficient way to travel than horses. This led to the decline of horse-drawn transportation, except for short-distance travel in rural areas.