What do you when your co-worker shoes clack like horse hoofs?

Here are a few strategies to address the situation when your coworker's shoes make a clacking noise like horse hooves:

1. Talk to your coworker directly: Approach your coworker during a break or private moment and express your concern. Be respectful and mention that the clacking sound may be disruptive or distracting to you and others in the workplace.

2.Suggest alternatives: Provide some suggestions for quieter footwear that your coworker could consider, such as shoes with softer soles or insoles that absorb sound.

3. Highlight office environment: Explain that maintaining a quiet and conducive working environment is important for concentration.

4. Offer to help: If your coworker is open to changing their shoes, offer to assist in finding suitable alternatives that are both comfortable and less noisy.

5. Raise the matter to your supervisor or HR department: If your conversation with your coworker does not resolve the issue, you may choose to escalate the matter by raising it with your supervisor or the human resources department. They can provide further guidance on addressing the situation.

Remember to approach the topic in a professional and considerate manner, focusing on the impact the noise is having on your work and the shared office space rather than making it a personal issue.