- _A helmet_ - Wearing a helmet is essential to protect your head in case of a fall. Look for a helmet that is certified by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or the Snell Memorial Foundation.
- _Riding boots_ - Riding boots provide support for your ankles and help protect your feet from the stirrups and from being stepped on by the horse. Look for boots with a low heel to help prevent your foot from slipping out of the stirrup.
- _Breeches or Jodhpurs_ - These specialized pants are designed for horseback riding and provide flexibility and comfort in the saddle.
- _A saddle_ - The saddle provides a seat for the rider and helps to distribute the rider's weight evenly across the horse's back. Look for a saddle that fits both the horse and the rider comfortably.
- _Bridle_ - The bridle is used to control the horse and consists of a bit, headstall, and reins. Look for a bridle that fits the horse's head comfortably and is made of durable materials.
- _Stirrups_ - The stirrups provide support for the rider's feet and help the rider to stay balanced in the saddle. Look for stirrups that are adjustable to fit different riders and are made of durable materials.
*NOTE*: Always consult with an experienced rider or riding instructor before attempting to ride a horse for the first time.