2. Aim: Keep an eye on the horse's head and neck, and estimate the distance you need to throw the lasso to make the loop fall over its head and neck.
3. Throw: With a smooth and controlled motion, swing your arm and release the lasso so that it flies through the air towards the horse. Aim to drop the loop over the horse's head, just behind the ears.
4. Catch: As the lasso lands on the horse, quickly raise your hand to catch the free end. You can either catch it with your non-dominant hand or secure it around your saddle horn if you're mounted.
5. Secure: Gently pull on the lasso to make sure it's snug but not too tight around the horse's neck. Hold onto the rope and keep it taut to maintain control.
6. Lead the Horse: Once you have secured the lasso around the horse's neck, you can lead it by walking alongside it. Be cautious not to pull too hard or aggressively.
7. Release: When you're ready to let the horse go, slowly release the tension on the lasso and gently slip it off the horse's head.
Remember, lassoing a horse requires practice and should only be attempted by experienced individuals who are familiar with horse behavior and safety guidelines.