What is the best thing to use slow down your horse and keep them collected?

The best way to slow down your horse and keep them collected is to use your seat and hands together. First, sit deep in the saddle and use your weight to sink your horse's hindquarters. This will help to lower their head and neck and bring them into a more collected position. Next, use your hands to soften the contact and apply light pressure to the inside rein. This will help to bend your horse's neck and bring them around to the inside. Finally, use your legs to drive your horse forward and maintain a steady, even pace. By using your seat, hands, and legs together, you can effectively slow down your horse and keep them collected.

Here are some additional tips for slowing down your horse and keeping them collected:

* Use a smooth, gradual transition when asking your horse to slow down.

* Avoid pulling back on the reins too hard, as this can cause your horse to resist or become unbalanced.

* If your horse is particularly strong or resistant, you may need to use more force with your seat and legs.

* Be patient and consistent with your training, and eventually your horse will learn to respond to your cues more easily.