How well does split rail work for horse fencing high is typical horses Is 53 inches enough?

Split rail fencing is a popular choice for horse fencing due to its durability, affordability, and ease of installation. However, it is important to ensure that the height of the fence is sufficient to contain horses, which typically range from 14.2 to 17 hands high (measured at the withers, which is the highest point of the shoulder blades).

Typical height of split rail fencing:

- 3-rail split rail fencing: Typically stands 42 inches high. This height may not be sufficient to contain horses, as they can easily clear a fence of this height.

- 4-rail split rail fencing: Typically stands 54 inches high. This height is generally considered adequate to contain most horses, although some larger horses may still be able to clear it.

- 5-rail split rail fencing: Typically stands 66 inches high. This height is considered to be the most secure option for horse fencing, as it is unlikely that horses will be able to clear it.

Additional considerations:

- In addition to the height of the fence, other factors to consider when choosing horse fencing include the spacing between the rails, the type of wood used, and the security of the posts.

- The rails should be spaced close enough together to prevent horses from putting their heads or legs through the gaps. The spacing should not exceed 6 inches.

- The wood should be strong and durable, such as cedar or oak. The posts should be set deep into the ground and secured with concrete or heavy rocks to prevent the fence from being pushed over by horses.

- It is also important to check the fence regularly for any damage or loose rails, as horses can easily injure themselves on broken or damaged fencing.

By choosing the appropriate height and construction for split rail fencing, you can help ensure the safety and security of your horses.