What showing can horses be used for?


* Hunter: Horses are judged on their ability to jump fences smoothly and gracefully.

* Dressage: Horses are judged on their ability to perform a series of movements with precision and elegance.

* Eventing: Horses are judged on their ability to complete a three-phase competition that includes dressage, cross-country, and show jumping.

* Show Jumping: Horses are judged on their ability to jump fences without knocking them down.

* Combined Driving: Horses are judged on their ability to pull a carriage accurately and stylishly.


* Reining: Horses are judged on their ability to perform a series of intricate maneuvers, including spins, sliding stops, and circles.

* Cutting: Horses are judged on their ability to separate a single cow from a herd and keep it from rejoining the herd.

* Team Penning: Horses are judged on their ability to pen a group of cattle in a designated area.

* Barrel Racing: Horses are judged on their ability to weave in and out of a series of barrels in the fastest time.

* Pole Bending: Horses are judged on their ability to weave in and out of a series of poles in the fastest time.