What kind of colthes do vets wear?

Vets wear a variety of clothes depending on what they are doing!

Here are some examples:

During surgery:

* Surgical scrubs: These are comfortable, lightweight pants and a top made of a breathable fabric. They are usually blue, green, or white.

* Surgical gown: This is a long, sterile gown worn over the scrubs to protect the patient from contamination.

* Surgical gloves: Sterile gloves are worn to prevent the spread of germs and protect the vet from animal saliva, blood, and other bodily fluids.

* Surgical mask: A mask is worn to prevent the spread of germs and to protect the vet from inhaling potentially harmful particles.

* Surgical cap: A cap is worn to keep hair out of the way and prevent contamination.

* Surgical booties: These are worn over shoes to prevent the spread of germs.

During routine examinations:

* Lab coat: A lab coat is a common piece of clothing for vets, especially during routine examinations. They provide protection from animal fluids and are easily washable.

* Scrubs: Comfortable and practical, scrubs are often worn for routine examinations and procedures.

* Comfortable shoes: Vets are on their feet for long periods, so comfortable shoes are a must!

Other times:

* Casual clothing: When they're not seeing patients, vets might wear jeans, t-shirts, and sweaters.

* Uniform: Some veterinary clinics have specific uniforms for their employees.

It's important to remember that safety is paramount for vets, so they will always choose clothing that protects them and their patients from harm.