Are horses prey to any other animal on Earth?

While horses are large and powerful animals, they are indeed prey to other animals. Here are some of the animals that prey on horses:

Large Predators:

* Wolves: Wolves are a significant predator of horses, especially in areas where they share habitats.

* Lions: In areas where lions and horses coexist, lions can be a threat, especially to foals and weakened horses.

* Bears: While not a primary prey, bears may attack horses, especially if they are young or injured.

Smaller Predators:

* Coyotes: Coyotes can be a threat to foals and smaller horses, especially in areas where horses are not accustomed to their presence.

* Mountain Lions: Mountain lions are known to prey on horses in areas where they coexist.

* Bobcats: While less common, bobcats have been known to attack and kill horses, especially if they are young or vulnerable.

Other Threats:

* Alligators: While not a typical prey, alligators in some areas may attack horses if they come too close to the water.

* Crocodiles: Similar to alligators, crocodiles can pose a threat to horses near water.

* Large Birds of Prey: Eagles and other large birds of prey can prey on foals and other young horses.

It's important to note that the prevalence of these predators varies depending on the geographic location and habitat. In many areas, horses are not typically preyed upon due to factors such as domestication, human presence, and the lack of predator populations. However, in areas where wild horses roam or where predators are abundant, horses can be vulnerable.