How to Make a Nursery for Foals

Practicing proper equine management ensures your success in caring for a mare and foal. In anticipation of your foal̵7;s birth, preparing the nursery will eliminate worry and provide the tools necessary for its care. Advanced preparation will also increase the likelihood of the foal's survival. Indeed, providing a clean, comfortable nursery -- and offering the proper nutritional requirements -- will ensure your foal's health and well-being.

Things You'll Need

  • Foaling rails
  • Cleaning bucket
  • Mild soap
  • Water
  • Wire brush
  • Povidone-iodine
  • Sponge
  • Wood boards
  • Straw bedding
  • Water bucket
  • Creep feeder
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    • 1

      Select a stall in your barn that measures at least 12-by-14-feet. Ideally, the stall should be located in a quiet area of the barn that can be easily maintained at a comfortable temperature.

    • 2

      Remove bedding and check the stall for loose panels, splintering wood or protruding nails. Repair any areas that could cause injury or accidents.

    • 3

      Install foaling rails that are positioned approximately 10-inches off the wall and 10-inches above the ground in order to keep the mare away from the corners of the stall. Doing this will prevent the mare from becoming stuck in a corner during the foal̵7;s birth, something that could lead to foaling complications if it happened.

    • 4

      Fill the bucket with warm, soapy water and thoroughly wash the stall̵7;s walls and floors with the wire brush.

    • 5

      Disinfect the stall with the povidone-iodine and sponge. The disinfection process should take place only after the stall has dried completely.

    • 6

      Line the stall with fresh straw bedding. Be sure to wait two to three days before doing so, however, so that the stall is thoroughly dry.

    • 7

      Position the water bucket in an area of the stall that won̵7;t interfere or injure the foal as it stands and learns to walk.

    • 8

      Install the creep feeder so that its opening is 6- to 8-inches above the foal̵7;s withers. Ensure that its positioning allows easy access -- as well as safe entry and exit -- for the foal, while restricting access to the mare.