How to Raise Baby Horses

You might have to take care of a baby horse if the mother gets sick of dies. A mother usually takes care of her foal the best, but here are a few things you can do to make sure the baby horse is raised best.


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      When a foal is born, it will need to get up as soon as possible to nurse it's mother. This milk is full of naturally occurring antibodies that help keep the infant horse healthy and resistant to disease. If you can get the foal up, then try milking the mother horse and bottle feed the baby. Hopefully the baby horse was born in a stall filled with straw or wood shavings to help keep it warm and dry.

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      Bottle feed the baby horse at least two to three times a day. You can find a baby horse milk replacement powder specially designed to fulfill the nutritional requirements of the baby horse. If the baby is nursing well on its mother, then you need not bottle feed the baby. A mothers milk is always the best.

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      When the foal is big enough, you will need to vaccinate the baby for worms to prevent disease. The baby foal will follow its mothers lead in grazing pasture grasses and so just let nature do its thing. If you do have to bottle feed the baby, do so for at least three months and provide hay and a good starter feed. Supply plenty of fresh water too and always keep the babies bedding area clean and dry.