How to Raise Miniature Donkeys

A male miniature donkey is called a Jack while the female is called a Jennet and can begin breeding by 3 years old. The female will carry the foal for up to 13 months. If she delivers the foal sooner than 11 months it is considered premature. The baby is weaned by 6 months. Miniature donkeys are very sociable animals and need to be around other miniature donkeys and/or people to be their happiest. They bond well with their owners, making noises when they want their attention. The miniature donkey has an easy going temperament and are not difficult to raise.

Things You'll Need

  • Shelter
  • Hay
  • Alfalfa
  • Mineral salt blocks
  • A farrier
  • Fresh water
  • Dewormer Rx
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      Have proper shelter for the miniature donkey. Develop a shelter that has at least three sides to protect him from bad weather and the hot sun. Make sure that it is at least 4 feet tall. Place a bedding made of wood shavings or straw in each stall. This will help keep the miniature donkey warm and dry.

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      Provide fresh water at all times for the miniature donkey. Buckets of water should be hung in the stalls and in bins throughout the pasture. Make sure the water is out of direct sunlight to help prevent algae growth. Check every couple of hours for dead insects or algae.

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      Give the miniature donkey a block of hay each day. Along with the grass from the pasture, miniature donkeys eat hay. The best kinds of hay to give them are grassy hay and oat hay. These will provide the most nutrition for your miniature donkey. Sprinkle alfalfa on the block for additional nutrition for each miniature donkey.

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      Display mineral salt blocks in different areas on the pasture. These blocks should be placed in accessible areas for the miniature donkey to lick when they feel they need additional minerals in their body.

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      Hire a farrier. This person specifically handles the hoofs of the miniature donkey. He or she will come every three months to clean, trim and keep the hoofs in the best condition. Clean the miniature donkeys hoofs every day of any mud that might have accumulated to prevent fungus from growing. Use a hoof pick to clean the hoofs of dirt and check for any cracks.

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      Worm the miniature donkeys every two months. When a foal is 8 weeks old, he should be wormed every month until he is 6 months old. To worm the miniature donkeys give them Dewormer Rx and clean the pasture and the stalls of manure daily to prevent the animal from getting worms.

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      Vaccinate the miniature donkeys annually. For the best of health they should receive influenza, tetanus and rhinopneumonitis shots.