How to Teach a Horse to Shake Hands

Impress your friends with your friendly, hand shaking horse. Teaching this trick is easy and rewarding. Training goes quickly once the horse understands his reward. You can teach horses other behaviors like nodding, shaking their heads, bowing and rearing using this method. Use the following steps to teach a horse how to shake hands.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter and lead rope
  • Peppermint candy
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  1. Prepare the Reward

    • 1

      Purchase a bag of hard, disc-shaped peppermint candy.

    • 2

      Cut or break the candy discs into quarters.

    • 3

      Place the candy pieces into a re-sealable sandwich bag.

    • 4

      Put the sealed bag into your pocket when you go to train the horse.

    Teach the Trick

    • 5

      Place the halter and lead rope on the horse and lead him to a place where there are few distractions.

    • 6

      Stop the horse and stand in front of and slightly to one side of him.

    • 7

      Choose a key phrase, such as, "Let's be friends," and emphasize the word "friends." The phrase, "Shake, Pardner" is another alternative.

    • 8

      Say the phrase.

    • 9

      Reach down and grasp the foreleg on the side you are standing on and pull it forward and up. If the horse resists, keep pulling until she lifts her hoof.

    • 10

      Set the hoof down and praise the horse by petting or scratching him.

    • 11

      Continue this process until the horse does not resist when you pick up the hoof.

    Condition the Response

    • 12

      Give the horse a piece of the peppermint candy when the horse gives you the hoof willingly.

    • 13

      Reward the horse with candy the first 10 times he gives you the hoof willingly. After that, give the candy randomly but only after she performs correctly.

    • 14

      Watch for him to raise the hoof without you grasping it. When he does, he gets a candy.

    • 15

      Feed her a candy the first 15 times he picks up her hoof for you.

    • 16

      Randomize the rewards after the fifteenth successful behavior.

    • 17

      Continue training him daily but for no longer than 20 minutes at a time. Soon you will have a horse that shakes hands.