What is proud gelded when talking about gelding a stallion?

"Proud gelded" is not a standard term used in relation to gelding a stallion. It's possible there's a misunderstanding or mishearing.

Here's what's likely happening:

* Mispronunciation or mishearing: It's possible someone is using a different term that sounds similar to "proud gelded."

* Regional dialect: Some regions might have their own unique phrases.

* Figurative language: Perhaps someone is using a metaphor or expression that is not meant to be taken literally.

Let's break down the terms involved:

* Gelding: The castration of a male horse.

* Proud: This typically refers to a horse that is arrogant or has a high opinion of itself, often associated with a stallion's behavior.

Here's a more typical phrase used in relation to a stallion's demeanor after gelding:

* "Calm down" or "He's more settled now"

If you can provide more context or the exact phrase you heard, I might be able to help you understand it better.