Straighten the leather strap so that it is hanging evenly. The strap will hang down the horse's body toward the ground.
Slip the leather strap through the item that is being secured such as the loop of the cinch. Pull the strap up to move the cinch up the horse's body.
Feed the strap through the top ring on the saddle so it is tucked in toward the horse's body. Pull the strap out and to the left.
Pull the strap to the right and tuck in under the cinch loop so it comes out the center.
Grasp the outer loop of the cinch that runs vertically along the horse's body. Gently work it up to tighten the cinch. The cinch is snug enough when two fingers fit between the cinch and the horse without any extra room or pinching.
Tuck the tail of the cinch into the strap holder on the saddle to keep it out of the way.
How to Make a Leather Cowboy Knot
Cowboys use leather straps to secure objects on horses. The most common leather strap is the one used to tie the cinch to the saddle. This adjustable knot works with pliable leather. It is easy to remove and doesn't slide when in use. This knot also works for tying saddlebags and other items, like blankets, to the saddle.