How to Build Inexpensive Round Pens

Round pens allow horse owners to lunge horses and safely perform specialized training. Round pens cost money. If you do the work yourself, shop around for the best price, and think out of the box, creating a round pen suddenly becomes a possibility on a small budget.

Things You'll Need

  • Posts
  • Shovel
  • Tiller
  • Sting
  • Helper
  • Measuring Tape
  • Gate
  • Rope
  • Electric fencing tape two inches wide
  • Wooden boards
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    • 1

      Clear the ground of stones and trees in a diameter one foot larger than the diameter of the round pen. The pen should be at least 50 feet in diameter for you and your horse to be comfortable.

    • 2

      Add sand and small stone, if your budget allows it. You can also use a tiller to loosen the ground instead. The loosened ground will work as suitable footing until you can afford sand or small stone.

    • 3

      Select the gate for the round pen. You can make your own with two heavy-duty hinges, a three-foot length of rope, five boards and a few nails. You should make or buy a gate at least eight feet wide to allow for easy access.

    • 4

      Dig holes two to three feet deep 12 inches farther apart than the width of the gate in the desired location. Use a helper and a string as long as the radius of the round pen. The helper stands in the middle with one end of the string and the other end determines the placement of the holes.

    • 5

      Subtract the distance between these two holes from the diameter of the pen. Then, divide that number by the distance between posts For example, a 51-foot pen minus 11 feet --- a 10-foot gate and 12 inches of space --- equals 40 feet. Forty feet divided by eight feet equals five. That is the number of additional posts.

    • 6

      Measure and dig a hole for every post, utilizing your string, your helper and a measuring tape.

    • 7

      Place the 8-foot posts into the holes and fill the holes with dirt, tamping it down to make the posts solid.

    • 8

      Install the gate. Tie a piece of rope to the gate and create a loop. This loop can slide over the post to secure the gate.

    • 9

      Nail a board or string white 2-inch-wide electric fencing six inches from the ground between two posts. Nail a second board at the top of the posts. Nail a third board between the two. Repeat for each section.