When Should I Repair the Chin Strap of an Equestrian Helmet?

Horseback riding helmets are an important and sometimes life-saving part of a rider's equipment. The benefits of riding helmets have been documented countless times, and many barns and facilities will not allow riders to mount a horse without a helmet. Over time, riding helmets can become damaged, either through continued use or in an accident. If your helmet is damaged, you should immediately stop using it. The chin strap is one of the most important parts of a helmet. The chin strap is what holds the helmet on your head; a helmet without a chin strap would be no more useful than a baseball cap in an accident. Without a chin strap, or if your chin strap is damaged, there is a strong chance that the helmet would fly off your head in an accident long before you hit the ground. So if your helmet's chin strap breaks, it is important to order a new replacement strap. Repairing a chin strap on a helmet is not difficult, but making sure it is replaced properly may take some time.

Things You'll Need

  • Helmet
  • Copy of helmet instructions and/or manufacturer's guidelines
  • New chin strap with installation instructions
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  1. Repair or Replace a Damaged Helmet

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      Determine how the helmet was damaged and what specifically caused the damage. If the chin strap broke in an accident, check your instructions or the manufacturer's guidelines to determine what action you need to take. Several major helmet manufacturers, including Troxel, recommend to immediately replace any helmet that has been involved in an accident or is over a certain age. Troxel says riders should replace their helmets every five years, even if the helmet has never been in an accident. If your helmet was damaged in an accident or is older than recommended and the manufacturer's guidelines say to replace it, then replace it promptly.

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      Determine whether your helmet is under warranty. Troxel warranties the materials and workmanship of their helmets for one year. If the broken chin strap was caused by manufacturer defect and your helmet is relatively new, the manufacturer may replace it for free. (Simply follow the procedure outlined by the manufacturer to have the repair made.) If the helmet was damaged in an accident, check for an accident replacement policy. Troxel offers such a policy and may replace your helmet for free or at a reduced cost. These policies are fairly standard among helmet manufacturers.

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      If your helmet is not under warranty, still within a usable age and was not damaged in an accident or due to manufacturer defect, contact customer service and purchase a replacement chin strap. You will need to know the specific make and model of your helmet. Most manufacturers will supply you with a replacement part and instructions for securing it to your helmet.

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      If you have difficulties, contact customer service or take the product to a knowledgeable source, such as a tack repair store or helmet retailer in your area.